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East Tennessee Walking Horse Association
Support the TN Walking Horse - Please READ

May 6, 2024


Dear Members and Supporters,


I will be in Washington, D.C. the week of June 3rd, 2024 to represent our members and advocate for your interests in meetings with the House and Senate Agriculture Committees.


The focus of this trip will be the following:


  • Opposing the addition of Goldie's Act (H.R.1788) as an amendment to the Farm Bill. It has come to my attention that Goldie's Act has recently been proposed as an amendment to the Farm Bill which will likely be up for a vote this fall. As you know, we have been working to oppose Goldie's Act since it was first introduced last summer. ASPCA and other animal rights groups have been pushing hard to get it amended to the Farm Bill. We hope to derail their plan.


  • We will also be addressing the challenges faced by bird breeders while obtaining their USDA license following the recent inclusion of "birds" under the purvue of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA). We have been collecting letters and affidavits from bird breeders all over the U.S. who have had a less than a favorable experience with their USDA inspector and the licensing procedure. If you are a bird breeder and wish to include a letter for me to hand carry to be delivered to and reviewed by Senate and House Agriculture Committee Members about your sentiments about how bird breeding is being negatively impacted by USDA inspections, please send them to me via email to: mindy@thecavalrygroup.com Additional talking points can be viewed here.


  • Additionally, we have concerns about the recent "new rules" announced by USDA/APHIS under the Horse Protection Act, impacting regulatory oversight at Tennessee Walking Horse Shows. The "new rules" not only restrict the Tennessee Walking Horse industry's ability to self-regulate, but also bans action devices, setting a dangerous precedent for other horse breeds and show venues in the future from utilizing training tools. And, let's not forget, horse soring is already illegal under the current Horse Protection Act and the current rules have been working. USDA cannot stop something that isn't happening, so these new rules are clearly designed to harm.


It is crucial to note that the USDA's role is regulatory, not legislative, and we must ensure that any new rules are within the limits of their authority under both the Animal Welfare Act and the Horse Protection Act. For 14 years The Cavalry Group has been working to hold USDA accountable in their persistent efforts to implement rules and regulations inconsistent with the law.


With all that said, we have a request that you please do the following to help lay the groundwork for my upcoming week in Washington, D.C.:

Please click the tab to send letters to EACH MEMBER of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees and urge them to keep Goldie's Act (H.R.1788) OFF the Farm Bill!


We've made it easy for you. Just enter your zipcode to get started and it will take you to the campaign platform. We've directed each letter to be received by every Member of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees.


We do ask that you change up the boiler-plate letter to make it your own.


Please click the tab below to send letters to EACH MEMBER of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees to voice your concerns about the new APHIS Rules under the Horse Protection Act.


We've directed each letter to be received by every Member of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees.


Please change up the boiler-plate letter to make it your own.

Voice Concerns About New HPA RULES

If you are a bird breeder, whether you are USDA licensed or not, click the link below to send a letter explaining the detrimental impact of birds being added to the regulatory purview at USDA so that I may add it to the stack of letters that I plan to hand carry to be reviewed by Members of the Senate and House Agriculture Committees. The stories coming to us from members and non-members across the U.S. in the bird breeding community have been alarming.


For your reference, here is a list of talking points we used on Capitol Hill from 2020-2023 to oppose "birds" being added to the AWA. Click Here

Send Mindy Patterson Your Letter for DC 




Your friend in the fight,


Mindy Patterson


The Cavalry Group

We cannot fight back without your membership and support!




Login to your member profile at thecavalrygroup.com/Sys/Profile ; with your email and password and follow suggested actions on your profile screen.


Don't know your password? Reset it here: thecavalrygroup.com/Sys/ResetPasswordRequest


Or you can pay your membership via PayPal.


Thank you for your membership and support!



OPPOSE PAST ACT CAMPAIGN: https://the-cavalry-group.rallycongress.com/ctas/urge-congress-to-stop-h-r-5441-to-amend-horse-protection
